At the Foot of the Garden 

Pavla Dundálková, Zdena Fibichová, Jakub Hájek & František Hanousek, Jaroslav Hladký, Stanislav Judl, Stanislava Karbušická, Josef Mladějovský, Mark Ther, Sofie Tobiášová

2. 10. – 24. 11. 2024
opening: 1. 10. 2024 from 6 pm

curator: Marek Meduna

Not even the fourth exhibition in this year’s Cursor Gallery programme has a clearly defined theme. It is based on the works themselves, as tends to be the case with fine art. Certain motifs complement each other, others duplicate each other. At the same time, many of the works have similar characteristics. For example, they may be lyrical, intimate, figural, decorative, or sensual rather than intellectual. The installation is a/symmetrical, disordered, with glimpses in the depth of the mise-en-scène. The selection of exhibitors is driven by a curatorial and parochial desire to pull oneself by the hair out of the quagmire of one’s own stereotypes and intellectual ad-libs and glitches.

The program of the Cursor Gallery is possible through kind support of Ministry of Culture of the Czech RepublicPrague City CouncilState Fund of Culture of the Czech RepublicCity District Prague 7
GESTOR – The Union for the Protection of Authorship
Media partners: and ArtRevue

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